Job Details

Level/Subjects: Upper Primary or Secondary Mathematics (Leap1212z)
Location: Balestier
Lessons/Week: Depends
Duration/Lesson (Hour): Depends
Budget: $24/hr-$50/hr or more!!

Tutor Preferences:


NIE trained Ex-Teacher is preferred! :)
Not specified
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This is a group tuition assignment. NIE trained Ex-Teacher is preferred. A personal interview will be arranged for tutors who are interested and suitable, before taking up the assignment. Tutors might take on the role as teachers for a full-time course at an education centre or ad-hoc courses. All tutors must come with the following requirements : 1. Relevant experience 2. Result-oriented 3. Good initiative 4. Willingness to learn and contribute. Competitive salary/tuition rates will be offerred to tutors with very good potential and experience. Apply now @ | LEAP ON! :)

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