Job Details

Level/Subjects: JC 1 H1 Maths(Leap7213)
Location: Loyang Rise
Lessons/Week: 1x/wk
Duration/Lesson (Hour): 1.5hrs/lesson
Budget: $30-$40/hr

Tutor Preferences:


Female tutor is required.
Not specified
Advertiser: Leap Tutors
A Female Tutor is required. At least an Undergraduate is required. The student is a private candidate taking a H1 Maths equivalent subject for the first time. So a tutor who has experience in teaching the basics of H1 Maths will be preferred. You are required to be pursuing or have a degree that is linked to Maths(eg; accounting degree, Maths degree etc.) so that you are up-to-date with Mathematics in general. Interested? APPLY NOW! @ | LEAP ON! :)

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